"You can tame a wild elephant
Close the jaws of a bear and tiger
Ride on the a lion
Play with the cobra
Alchemy to make a living
Incognito travel in space
Make vassals of the gods
Remain always young
Walk on water and live in fire
But ruling his own thoughts

is better and harder. "


"Everything has its time, and every activity under heaven its time." 

 "God is simple. Everything else is complex. Requires no absolute values in the relative world of nature."

"The confusion of good and evil aspects of nature was disconcerting and wiser heads than mine."

"Very few people have solved the mystery of Good and Evil is a challenging puzzle that life as a sphinx sets each intelligence. Nowadays, as in the days of Thebes, most big man is trying to solve and it pays life. Here and there stands a lonely figure surpasses and all that will not be defeated, and behind the duality maye4 recognizes one indivisible truth. "


One more year, one more disaster, one hope, one direction.
All you need is forgive and you will be saved
All i need is write and i will be awarded
All people want is being weak and suffer
Nothing Matters When You Reach Your Mind,Nothing will happend until you make it so,
Just hoping and driving yourself nuts isn't working :D
Be Patient And :
Enjoy Little Things!!!


    Hi, I am a free spirit love to invent and make connections, enjoy my stuff and LOVE EVERYBODY.


    January 2013

